Monday, August 18, 2008

Smoke this

Well after sitting out of competition barbecue for two years, some friends and I decided to try our hand once again against the big boys. The competition was at the Kearns Olympic Oval and consisted of cooking through the night on Friday August 8 and turn ins on Saturday afternoon. Despite the hard work, food that we thought tasted the best we had ever done, it wasn't meant to be. We didn't get last place but we came awfully close!! We had a good time but I think that our competition barbecue days are over. Here are some pictures.

We took the kids swimming right next door at the public water park and Isabelle and Jake had a great time. The whole time Isabelle stayed by Jakes side and held his hand to make sure that he didn't get lost. Look at those big smiles!

Friday night dinner eating some practice Q with my two girls

Right in the thick of the competition, every 30 minutes a new category had to be turned in, only at a barbecue competition will you see grown men fussing over which cut of meat to turn in and how the lettuce looks!

Our ribs, I think the presentation is definitely a 10!

Here is our Brisket, again another winner of a box to me. Despite 14 + hours cooking, lots of money spent we didn't place. The good thing is that they put the losers names in a hat and we got some concert tickets and a cell phone to sell so we can recoup some of the money.

It was a great time but definitely something you don't want to do every weekend. I can't believe the guys who go from competition to competition all throughout the summer. I don't think we embarrassed ourselves because we placed higher than a team that had a $4,000.00 smoker!! If I had spent that much on a smoker, I would be crying not placing in the top three!


Mindi B said...

Forget the judges . . . Jason and I love your BBQ. You can cook for us anytime.

Ferran Family said...

Gracie looks so cute in those pictures! I love that she is holding a purse.