Thursday, August 28, 2008

Warning: Red Popsicle Looks Like Blood On A 10 Month Old!

In the past few weeks Gracie gets very upset if you don't involve her when you are eating. If she sees anyone eating in front of her she will let you know that she wants some too. Well two weeks ago we were eating Popsicles before Isabelle went to bed and Gracie just had to have her own. Despite being ready for bed we removed her clothing and gave her her own, as you can see below, she enjoyed it immensely!

I am thinking that this is a bad idea!

Look at that concentration, for a first time Popsicle eater she is doing very well.

Now this one looks like Gracie has been in a bad horror movie and spent a little time with a knife. No worries, its just Popsicle!

This is what happens when you take the Popsicle from her, she wrestles it back!

No more Popsicle left but she is still trying to get whatever she can off the stick!

Even though Gracie had to have an unplanned bath right after, it was fun to see her conquer her first Popsicle.

1 comment:

Colleen said...

Looks like an ad for the Twilight Series!!?
Gracie is a kissing her!
Grandma B