Friday, January 29, 2010

Almost Two Weeks

On Sunday, January 17th, Gracie sent her binkies to the babies in Heaven. We tied one up to some balloons and let them go.....with some resistance from Gracie. After a few minutes of not letting it go we had to help her and since then she hasn't had any binkies. The first few days she would ask for her "blue binkie" because she knew that we had sent the clear one on the balloons and figured we still had the blue one. There were some rough nights but she did really well and now looks a lot older without the binkies in her mouth.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Isabelle Birthday Party

Isabelle was able to have her Birthday at the Living Planet Aquarium this year with all of her Aunts, Uncles, Grandma's, Grandpa's and Cousin. Unfortunately I wasn't there because of the Electronics show in Vegas, and January 9th was the soonest we could get the party scheduled. If we didn't do it then it would have been two weeks after Isabelle's Birthday and she wasn't going to wait that long. Even though I am a little late posting, here are some pictures:

Thursday, January 14, 2010

It's a .....


There is a change coming to the Barker Household! It has been verified and confirmed that the "it" in Aly's tummy is officially a Boy. All of us are excited and Mom and Dad have some serious planning to do.

Playing with his hand

Aly got the girls balloons to tell them that they were going to have a little Brother


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Happy 6th Birthday

Isabelle turned six years old today, I can't believe that she is already six! We opened presents this morning, she went to school, and then we went to dinner at the CheeseCake Factory. After dinner Isabelle and Gracie had a party at Build a Bear and Isabelle's birthday was complete.

Eating waffles for breakfast

Opening presents

She got her scooter she wanted

Happy Birthday!

Gracie enjoying her CheeseCake

Getting ready to fill the bears

Cleaning them off

How did we?

Get from this:

To this:?

Happy Birthday Isabelle, your growing up too fast!