Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Don't always assume

On Sunday it was Great Grandma Barker's birthday, July 13. After a quick trip to Church we headed up to see her with Grandma and Grandpa Barker. On the way Isabelle kept on asking when we were going to be there and that it was "Taking too long." After about the third time asking I realized that she thought we were going up to Grandma Barkers, and since that only takes 20 minutes or so, that is why she was so impatient. Once I clarified to her that we were going to see Great Grandma Barker and that is why it was taking so long, no more questions were asked. Sometimes as Parents we assume that our kids know where we are going, or what we are trying to say, I guess we need to do a better job!!

The reason I wanted to write this entry was because of this story. We stopped at the Store to get Grandma some flowers and so while Aly ran in, the kids and I sat in the car. Isabelle and I started talking about Grandma's and Grandpa's and I mentioned that she never knew her Great Grandpa Barker because he died right before she was born. Right after she says: "Dad, its ok I didn't know him because he will come alive again when we are all resurrected." Not too bad a statement for a four year old hugh? Maybe Aly and I aren't doing too bad after all, even though we forgot to explain exactly who were going to see, she at least knows about the resurrection!!

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