Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Hide the Wipes

Brooks likes pulling wipes out of the container, we caught him red handed so he can't blame his Sisters for making the mess.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

St. Patrick's Day

Isabelle had a St. Patrick's Day festival tonight where she was able to perform with her class the song "In Dublin's Fair City."

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Unlike his Sisters, his crawling results in having to close every door and make sure you know where he is at all times.  He likes exploring and if he had his way he would be able to get into the bathroom whenever he wanted.  The first thing he looks for is an open bathroom door and and then he tries to get there before we find out.  All he wants to do is stand up on the side of the tub but he hasn't learned yet that if he leans to far he will fall in, and believe me, he should know from experience.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

What were we thinking

In Isabelle's 1st grade class they have a pet Bunny and ever since the start of the school year she has wanted to bring her home.  This weekend was her turn and it turned out to be a pretty large undertaking. When she was out of her cage she had to be watched pretty closely because she likes to chew on cords (Just look at our computer cord!)  The good thing that she is potty trained and didn't have any problem soiling our home.  Despite having to watch her at all times, the girls had a really fun time playing with her this weekend.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Crazy Hair Day

It is Spirit Week at Isabelle's school and today they had "Crazy Hair Day."  This is what she and her Mom came up with

Friday, March 4, 2011

Disneyland Day Four

All Disneyland today, didn't even step foot over in California adventure.  There were very few character meetings today so it was mostly just riding rides and having fun.  Today was a little more crowded, now that it is Friday the weekend crowds were starting to come.  Still the crowds weren't nearly what they are during the busier times of the year.  We met Micky in his house, played in Toontown, rode Jungle Cruise for the first time this trip and finally did the Tiki Room.  We hadn't done that in years so it was fun to do that again.  We stayed late enough for some fireworks but by the time they happened Gracie was exhausted and her and Brooks fell asleep.  We hadn't had an ice cream cone this trip yet so we stopped in there and got some ice cream and then headed back to pack up since tomorrow was our last day

Waiting for everyone to put their stuff in the lockers

Brooks taking a mid-day snooze

We kept on going back to the store in New Orleans square so Gracie could see the Tiana doll, finally we just decided that she wanted it so bad it would be her big present from the trip

This is how she held her the rest of the day

Brooks loves these spinners

Brooks decided to wake up when we got back to the hotel and decided to help us pack

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Disneyland Day Three

Breakfast at the Plaza Inn was how we started our day, everyone decided that they wanted to do that so luckily they were able to modify our reservation to accommodate an additional 11 people.  It was nice to sit outside since the weather was nice, but it did cause a problem when the wobbly table took my Diet Coke and spilled it all over Alexa.  Brooks decided that he would fall asleep on the way to breakfast so he missed it seeing most of the characters, but the girls had fun seeing some new characters that they hadn't seen before. He decided to wake up right before we were done so we chased down a few of the Characters for him to see. Gracie even decided that Captain Hook wasn't scary this year and even got her picture with him.  

It was a day mostly filled with Characters.  After breakfast we went and saw the Fairies and Princesses and then I had the privilege to wait so they could meet Rapunzel and Flynn.  From Toon Town to Fantasyland is where most of our day today was spent.

Gracie doesn't seem too happy but she was actually excited to see him

We have seen this same Fairy Godmother the last 3 years

Don't wake the baby